

A large part of what makes DCX work are the following specs defined by the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF).

  1. Credential Manifest
  2. Credential Application
  3. Credential Response

Credential Manifest

Credential Manifests

Credential Manifests are a resource format that defines preconditional requirements, Issuer style preferences, and other facets. User Agents utilize to help articulate and select the inputs necessary for processing and issuance of a specified credential.

A Credential Manifest is a document, hosted by an Issuer and consumed by User Agents, codifying the credentials that it issues in terms of pre-requisites and inputs. These can be static or dynamic, but their form and usage are detailed in this specification.

Applicants pull these manifest records from the issuer’s DWN, so they can understand what VCs are required on their side of the exchange. For more details on protocol interactions between issuers and applicants, see the Architecture Diagram and Sequence Diagram sections below.

These objects outline key pieces of information used in the exchange of credentials between applicants and issuers:

  1. The input credential(s) required by the applicant as inputs to the issuer
  2. The output credential(s) issued by the issuer to the applicant
  3. Various style preferences and data structuring requirements imposed by the manifest publisher (i.e. issuers)

Credential Application

Credential Application are objects embedded within target claim negotiation formats that pass information from the Holder to the Issuer.

Credential Applications are JSON objects composed as follows:

Credential Response

Credential Responses are objects that encapsulate possible responses from a Credential Application, with two possible outcomes: fulfillment or denial. Fulfillment is the case where a Credential Application is accepted, and results in credential issuance. Fulfillments are embedded within target Claim negotiation formats that express how the outputs presented as proofs to a Holder are provided in accordance with the outputs specified in a Credential Manifest. Rejection is the case where a Credential Application is denied, and results in a response of pertitent information about the rejection. Embedded Credential Response objects MUST be located within target data format as the value of a credential_response property, which is composed and embedded as follows: